
With the weather ever changing and the wind getting seemingly fiercer with every blustery winter, you may want to bear in mind that we keep a range of fence panels in stock. Our main range consists of three quality ranges of fence panels, an array of different trellises, and a large variety of different sized posts, rails and stakes. Our panels are all 1.8m (6ft) wide and range from sizes 0.9m (3ft) up to 1.8m (6ft) high.

The trellis range is similar, with the same width of 1.8m (6ft), with heights ranging between 0.3m (1ft) and 1.8m (6ft). If you're looking to keep your fence up and sturdy, then you'll be needing some sturdy posts to accompany your fence panels, which we also keep! We keep either standard wooden posts of the much more substantial concrete posts for keeping your panels extra secure.

With the more decorative side of the fencing department, we keep a large range of wooden stakes in varying lengths and thickness in both round and square sizes. If you can't find any particular style of fencing you're after, please don't hesitate to ask. We are able to acquire many other different types of fencing, post and decorative rail from our main supplier.